Log Object
Description of the Log Object
The Log Object provides details on how your Klaxoon services and Activities within your organization are being accessed. The Audit Log events are returned as JSON containing:
- What action was performed.
- Who initiated the Action.
- Who or what was affected by this action.
- When the action occurred.
Here's an audit event for a user joining a Klaxoon Board:
"id": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"actionDate": "2022-12-06T13:28:48.000Z",
"author": {
"id": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"type": "USER",
"email": "[email protected]",
"companyId": "06ba74b0-a440-401d-8864-1797339d71cd",
"companyName": "The author company",
"ipAddress": "",
"requestId": "",
"userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:101.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/101.0",
"isExternal": false
"affected": {
"id": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"type": "BOARD",
"email": "[email protected]",
"companyId": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"companyName": "The affected company",
"isExternal": false
"content": {}
Each entry describes the action
, the author
that generated the event, the affected
entity and an actionDate
for the date of the event.
Some audit logs have a content
field showing further details on the action when available.
The action
describes what triggered the log event.
Available Actions can be found in the following categories:
- Organisation events
- Users management events
- Access restriction events
- Adventure events
- Article events
- Board events
- Memo events
- Mission events
- Network events
- Question events
- Quiz events
- Session events
- Survey events
The author
group attribute provides details on who took the action. It carries the following attributes:
Autor attributes | Definition |
id | Internal ID of the author. |
type | Type of the author. It can be one of the following: USER, ORGANIZATION or COMPANY |
The email address of the author. If the author does not belong to your organization this field will be anonymized. | |
companyName | Name of the company the author author belongs to. |
ipAddress | IP address of the original HTTP Request (optional). |
requestId | Internal ID of the original HTTP request of the author (optional). |
userAgent | User agent of the original HTTP Request (optional). |
isExternal | Boolean set to True if the author does not belongs to your organization. |
The affected
group attribute provides details on who or what what affected by the action. It carries the following attributes:
Affected attributes | Definition |
id | Internal ID of the affected entity. |
type | Type of the affected entity. Any Klaxoon entity can be an affected. It can be one of the following: USER, ORGANIZATION, COMPANY, BOARD, QUESTION, SESSION, QUIZ, MEMO, ADVENTURE, ARTICLE, MISSION, NETWORK, SURVEY. |
The email address of the affected entity if applicable. If the affected does not belong to your organization this field will be anonymized. | |
companyName | Name of the company the affected entity belongs to. |
isExternal | Boolean set to True if the affected entity does not belongs to your organization. |
The actionDate
attribute provides the date and time when the action occurred. All dates are UTC and format as follow '2022-06-20T20:20:20'.
The content
attribute is available to provide additional details of the action (for example the value of a parameter before and after the action or the reason why the action event was triggered).
This does not apply to all actions and the content field can be empty.
Full list of available Actions
Organisation events
Action Type | Definition |
ORGANIZATION_AVATAR_UPDATED | Organization avatar has been updated |
ORGANIZATION_BRANDING_COLOR_UPDATED | Organization branding color has been updated |
ORGANIZATION_BRANDING_LOGO_UPDATED | Organization logo has been updated |
ORGANIZATION_CREATED | Organization has been created |
ORGANIZATION_DELETED | Organization has been deleted |
ORGANIZATION_FORCE_SSO_DISABLED | Organization Force SSO feature has been disabled |
ORGANIZATION_FORCE_SSO_ENABLED | Organization Force SSO feature has been enabled |
ORGANIZATION_INVITATION_SENT | Organization Invitation has been sent |
ORGANIZATION_LEAVE_DISABLED | Organization User Allowed to Leave feature has been disabled |
ORGANIZATION_LEAVE_ENABLED | Organization User Allowed to Leave feature has been enabled |
ORGANIZATION_NAME_UPDATED | Organization name has been updated |
ORGANIZATION_OFFER_UPDATED | Organization Offer has been updated |
ORGANIZATION_PLAN_UPDATED | Organization Plan has been updated |
ORGANIZATION_SCIM_DISABLED | Organization SCIM feature has been disabled |
ORGANIZATION_SCIM_ENABLED | Organization SCIM feature has been enabled |
ORGANIZATION_SSO_ADDED | SSO provider has been associated to the Organization |
ORGANIZATION_SSO_REMOVED | Organization SSO provider has been removed |
ORGANIZATION_LOGO_UPDATED | Organization logo has been updated |
COMPANY_ANONYMIZE_ACTIVITY_REPORTS_DISABLED | Company Anonymize Users feature has been disabled |
COMPANY_ANONYMIZE_ACTIVITY_REPORTS_ENABLED | Company Anonymize Users feature has been enabled |
COMPANY_CREATED | Company has been created |
COMPANY_DELETED | Company has been deleted |
COMPANY_IDENTIFY_EXTERNAL_USER_DISABLED | Company Identify External Users feature has been disabled |
COMPANY_IDENTIFY_EXTERNAL_USER_ENABLED | Company Identify External Users feature has been enabled |
COMPANY_LOGO_UPDATED | Company logo has been updated |
COMPANY_NAME_UPDATED | Company name has been updated |
COMPANY_ORGANIZATION_ADDED | Organization has been added to the Company |
COMPANY_ORGANIZATION_REMOVED | Organization has been removed from the Company |
COMPANY_VERIFY_USER_DISABLED | Company Verify Users feature has been disabled |
COMPANY_VERIFY_USER_ENABLED | Company Verify Users feature has been enabled |
ORGANIZATION_LMS_ADDED | Learning management system has been associated to the Organization |
ORGANIZATION_LMS_REMOVED | Organization Learning management system has been removed |
Users Management events
Action Type | Definition |
USER_ACTIVATED | User has been activated |
USER_AVATAR_UPDATED | User avatar has been updated |
USER_CREATED | User has been created |
USER_DEACTIVATED | User has been deactivated |
USER_DELETED | User has been deleted |
USER_EMAIL_CONFIRMED | User email address has been confirmed |
USER_EULA_ACCEPTED | User has accepted EULA |
USER_FIRSTNAME_UPDATED | User first name has been updated |
USER_IDENTITY_VERIFIED | User Verified by Company flag has been updated |
USER_INVITATION_SENT | User has been invited |
USER_LANG_UPDATED | User language has been updated |
USER_LASTNAME_UPDATED | User last name has been updated |
USER_LICENSE_UPDATED | User license has been updated |
USER_ORGANIZATION_JOINED | User has joined an Organization |
USER_ORGANIZATION_LEFT | User has left her/his Organization |
USER_PASSWORD_CHANGED | User password changed |
USER_PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL_SENT | User password reset email has been sent |
USER_PHONE_UPDATED | User phone number has been updated |
USER_ROLE_UPDATED | User role has been updated |
USER_SIGNED_OUT | User has signed out |
USER_SIGN_IN_FAILED | User sign in failed |
USER_SIGN_IN_SUCCEEDED | User has signed in successfully |
ACTIVITY_OWNERSHIP_TRANSFERRED | Activity ownership has been transferred |
Access restriction events
Action Type | Definition |
PLATFORM_ACCESS_RESTRICTED | User access to the Platform has been blocked |
ACTIVITY_ACCESS_GRANTED | Access Filtering Configuration is unavailable. User access to the Activity has been granted |
ACTIVITY_ACCESS_RESTRICTED | User access to the Activity has been blocked |
ORGANIZATION_INVITATION_ACCESS_RESTRICTED | User access to the Organization's Invitation has been blocked |
ACTIVITY_USER_BLOCKED | Activity user has been blocked |
ACTIVITY_USER_UNBLOCKED | Activity user has been unblocked |
Adventure events
Action Type | Definition |
ADVENTURE_ACCESSCODE_LOCKED | Adventure access has been locked |
ADVENTURE_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKED | Adventure access has been unlocked |
ADVENTURE_ACCESS_DENIED | Adventure access has been denied |
ADVENTURE_CLOSED | Adventure has been closed |
ADVENTURE_COMPLETED | Adventure has been completed |
ADVENTURE_CREATED | Adventure has been created |
ADVENTURE_DATA_EXPORTED | Adventure has been exported to data |
ADVENTURE_DELETED | Adventure has been deleted |
ADVENTURE_JOINED_AS_ANIMATOR | Adventure has been joined as an animator |
ADVENTURE_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANT | Adventure has been joined as a participant |
ADVENTURE_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODE | Adventure has been published by access code |
ADVENTURE_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORK | Adventure has been published into network |
ADVENTURE_VIEWED | Adventure has been viewed |
ADVENTURE_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATION | Adventure access right has been set to organization |
ADVENTURE_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATE | Adventure access right has been set to private |
ADVENTURE_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLIC | Adventure access right has been set to public |
ADVENTURE_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORK | Adventure has been unpublished from network |
Article events
Action Type | Definition |
ARTICLE_ACCESS_DENIED | Article access has been denied |
ARTICLE_DELETED | Article has been deleted |
ARTICLE_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORK | Article has been published into network |
ARTICLE_VIEWED | Article has been viewed |
Board events
Action Type | Definition |
BOARD_ACCESSCODE_LOCKED | Board access has been locked |
BOARD_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKED | Board access has been unlocked |
BOARD_ACCESS_DENIED | Board access has been denied |
BOARD_CLOSED | Board has been closed |
BOARD_CREATED | Board has been created |
BOARD_DATA_EXPORTED | Board has been exported to data |
BOARD_DELETED | Board has been deleted |
BOARD_JOINED_AS_ANIMATOR | Board has been joined as an animator |
BOARD_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANT | Board has been joined as a participant |
BOARD_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODE | Board has been published by access code |
BOARD_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORK | Board has been published into a network |
BOARD_VIEWED | Board has been viewed |
BOARD_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATION | Board access right has been set to organization |
BOARD_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATE | Board access right has been set to private |
BOARD_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLIC | Board access right has been set to public |
BOARD_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORK | Board has been unpublished from network |
Memo events
Action Type | Definition |
MEMO_ACCESSCODE_LOCKED | Memo access has been locked |
MEMO_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKED | Memo access has been unlocked |
MEMO_ACCESS_DENIED | Memo access has been denied |
MEMO_CLOSED | Memo has been closed |
MEMO_COMPLETED | Memo has been completed |
MEMO_CREATED | Memo has been created |
MEMO_DATA_EXPORTED | Memo has been exported to data |
MEMO_DELETED | Memo has been deleted |
MEMO_JOINED_AS_ANIMATOR | Memo has been joined as an animator |
MEMO_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANT | Memo has been joined as a participant |
MEMO_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODE | Memo has been published by access code |
MEMO_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORK | Memo has been published into a network |
MEMO_VIEWED | Memo has been viewed |
MEMO_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATION | Memo access right has been set to organization |
MEMO_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATE | Memo access right has been set to private |
MEMO_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLIC | Memo access right has been set to public |
MEMO_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORK | Memo has been unpublished from network |
Mission events
Action Type | Definition |
MISSION_ACCESSCODE_LOCKED | Mission access has been locked |
MISSION_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKED | Mission access has been unlocked |
MISSION_ACCESS_DENIED | Mission access has been denied |
MISSION_CLOSED | Mission has been closed |
MISSION_COMPLETED | Mission has been completed |
MISSION_CREATED | Mission has been created |
MISSION_DATA_EXPORTED | Mission has been exported to data |
MISSION_DELETED | Mission has been deleted |
MISSION_JOINED_AS_ANIMATOR | Mission has been joined as an animator |
MISSION_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANT | Mission has been joined as a participant |
MISSION_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODE | Mission has been published by access code |
MISSION_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORK | Mission has been published into a network |
MISSION_VIEWED | Mission has been viewed |
MISSION_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATION | Mission access right has been set to organization |
MISSION_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATE | Mission access right has been set to private |
MISSION_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLIC | Mission access right has been set to public |
MISSION_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORK | Mission has been unpublished from network |
Network events
Action Type | Definition |
NETWORK_ACCESSCODE_LOCKED | Network access by access code has been locked |
NETWORK_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKED | Network access by access code has been unlocked |
NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIED | Network access has been denied |
NETWORK_CREATED | Network has been created |
NETWORK_DELETED | Network has been deleted |
NETWORK_VIEWED | Network has been viewed |
NETWORK_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATION | Network access right has been set to organization |
NETWORK_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATE | Network access right has been set to private |
NETWORK_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLIC | Network access right has been set to public |
Question events
Action Type | Definition |
QUESTION_ACCESSCODE_LOCKED | Question has been locked |
QUESTION_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKED | Question has been unlocked |
QUESTION_ACCESS_DENIED | Access to a question has been denied |
QUESTION_CLOSED | Question has been closed |
QUESTION_CREATED | Question has been created |
QUESTION_DATA_EXPORTED | Question's data has been exported |
QUESTION_DELETED | Question has been deleted |
QUESTION_JOINED | Question has been joined |
Quiz events
Action Type | Definition |
QUIZ_ACCESSCODE_LOCKED | Quiz access has been locked |
QUIZ_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKED | Quiz access has been unlocked |
QUIZ_ACCESS_DENIED | Quiz access has been denied |
QUIZ_CLOSED | Quiz has been closed |
QUIZ_COMPLETED | Quiz has been completed |
QUIZ_CREATED | Quiz has been created |
QUIZ_DATA_EXPORTED | Quiz has been exported to data |
QUIZ_DELETED | Quiz has been deleted |
QUIZ_JOINED_AS_ANIMATOR | Quiz has been joined as an animator |
QUIZ_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANT | Quiz has been joined as a participant |
QUIZ_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODE | Quiz has been published by access code |
QUIZ_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORK | Quiz has been published into a network |
QUIZ_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORK | Quiz has been unpublished from network |
QUIZ_VIEWED | Quiz has been viewed |
QUIZ_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATION | Quiz access right has been set to organization |
QUIZ_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATE | Quiz access right has been set to private |
QUIZ_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLIC | Quiz access right has been set to public |
Session events
Action Type | Definition |
SESSION_ACCESSCODE_LOCKED | Session access has been locked |
SESSION_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKED | Session access has been unlocked |
SESSION_ACCESS_DENIED | Session access has been denied |
SESSION_CLOSED | Session has been closed |
SESSION_CREATED | Session has been created |
SESSION_DATA_EXPORTED | Session has been exported to data |
SESSION_DELETED | Session has been deleted |
SESSION_JOINED_AS_ANIMATOR | Session has been joined as an animator |
SESSION_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANT | Session has been joined as a participant |
SESSION_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODE | Session has been published by access code |
SESSION_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORK | Session has been published into a network |
SESSION_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORK | Session has been unpublished from network |
SESSION_VIEWED | Session has been viewed |
SESSION_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATION | Session access right has been set to organization |
SESSION_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATE | Session access right has been set to private |
SESSION_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLIC | Session access right has been set to public |
Survey events
Action Type | Definition |
SURVEY_ACCESSCODE_LOCKED | Survey access has been locked |
SURVEY_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKED | Survey access has been unlocked |
SURVEY_ACCESS_DENIED | Survey access has been denied |
SURVEY_CLOSED | Survey has been closed |
SURVEY_COMPLETED | Survey has been completed |
SURVEY_CREATED | Survey has been created |
SURVEY_DATA_EXPORTED | Survey has been exported to data |
SURVEY_DELETED | Survey has been deleted |
SURVEY_JOINED_AS_ANIMATOR | Survey has been joined as an animator |
SURVEY_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANT | Survey has been joined as a participant |
SURVEY_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODE | Survey has been published by access code |
SURVEY_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORK | Survey has been published into a network |
SURVEY_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORK | Survey has been unpublished from network |
SURVEY_VIEWED | Survey has been viewed |
SURVEY_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATION | Survey access right has been set to organization |
SURVEY_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATE | Survey access right has been set to private |
SURVEY_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLIC | Survey access right has been set to public |
Updated 9 months ago