Log Object

Description of the Log Object

The Log Object provides details on how your Klaxoon services and Activities within your organization are being accessed. The Audit Log events are returned as JSON containing:

  • What action was performed.
  • Who initiated the Action.
  • Who or what was affected by this action.
  • When the action occurred.

Here's an audit event for a user joining a Klaxoon Board:

      "id": "xxxxxxxxxx",
      "actionDate": "2022-12-06T13:28:48.000Z",
      "author": {
        "id": "xxxxxxxxxx",
        "type": "USER",
        "email": "johndoe@company.com",
        "companyId": "06ba74b0-a440-401d-8864-1797339d71cd",
        "companyName": "The author company",
        "ipAddress": "",
        "requestId": "",
        "userAgent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:101.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/101.0",
        "isExternal": false
      "affected": {
        "id": "xxxxxxxxxx",
        "type": "BOARD",
        "email": "jackdoe@company.com",
        "companyId": "xxxxxxxxxx",
        "companyName": "The affected company",
        "isExternal": false
      "content": {}

Each entry describes the action , the author that generated the event, the affected entity and an actionDate for the date of the event.
Some audit logs have a content field showing further details on the action when available.


The action describes what triggered the log event.
Available Actions can be found in the following categories:


The author group attribute provides details on who took the action. It carries the following attributes:

Autor attributesDefinition
idInternal ID of the author.
typeType of the author. It can be one of the following: USER, ORGANIZATION or COMPANY
emailThe email address of the author. If the author does not belong to your organization this field will be anonymized.
companyNameName of the company the author author belongs to.
ipAddressIP address of the original HTTP Request (optional).
requestIdInternal ID of the original HTTP request of the author (optional).
userAgentUser agent of the original HTTP Request (optional).
isExternalBoolean set to True if the author does not belongs to your organization.


The affected group attribute provides details on who or what what affected by the action. It carries the following attributes:

Affected attributesDefinition
idInternal ID of the affected entity.
typeType of the affected entity. Any Klaxoon entity can be an affected. It can be one of the following: USER, ORGANIZATION, COMPANY, BOARD, QUESTION, SESSION, QUIZ, MEMO, ADVENTURE, ARTICLE, MISSION, NETWORK, SURVEY.
emailThe email address of the affected entity if applicable. If the affected does not belong to your organization this field will be anonymized.
companyNameName of the company the affected entity belongs to.
isExternalBoolean set to True if the affected entity does not belongs to your organization.


The actionDate attribute provides the date and time when the action occurred. All dates are UTC and format as follow '2022-06-20T20:20:20'.


The content attribute is available to provide additional details of the action (for example the value of a parameter before and after the action or the reason why the action event was triggered).

This does not apply to all actions and the content field can be empty.

Full list of available Actions

Organisation events

Action TypeDefinition
ORGANIZATION_AVATAR_UPDATEDOrganization avatar has been updated
ORGANIZATION_BRANDING_COLOR_UPDATEDOrganization branding color has been updated
ORGANIZATION_BRANDING_LOGO_UPDATEDOrganization logo has been updated
ORGANIZATION_CREATEDOrganization has been created
ORGANIZATION_DELETEDOrganization has been deleted
ORGANIZATION_FORCE_SSO_DISABLEDOrganization Force SSO feature has been disabled
ORGANIZATION_FORCE_SSO_ENABLEDOrganization Force SSO feature has been enabled
ORGANIZATION_INVITATION_SENTOrganization Invitation has been sent
ORGANIZATION_LEAVE_DISABLEDOrganization User Allowed to Leave feature has been disabled
ORGANIZATION_LEAVE_ENABLEDOrganization User Allowed to Leave feature has been enabled
ORGANIZATION_NAME_UPDATEDOrganization name has been updated
ORGANIZATION_OFFER_UPDATEDOrganization Offer has been updated
ORGANIZATION_PLAN_UPDATEDOrganization Plan has been updated
ORGANIZATION_SCIM_DISABLEDOrganization SCIM feature has been disabled
ORGANIZATION_SCIM_ENABLEDOrganization SCIM feature has been enabled
ORGANIZATION_SSO_ADDEDSSO provider has been associated to the Organization
ORGANIZATION_SSO_REMOVEDOrganization SSO provider has been removed
ORGANIZATION_LOGO_UPDATEDOrganization logo has been updated
COMPANY_ANONYMIZE_ACTIVITY_REPORTS_DISABLEDCompany Anonymize Users feature has been disabled
COMPANY_ANONYMIZE_ACTIVITY_REPORTS_ENABLEDCompany Anonymize Users feature has been enabled
COMPANY_CREATEDCompany has been created
COMPANY_DELETEDCompany has been deleted
COMPANY_IDENTIFY_EXTERNAL_USER_DISABLEDCompany Identify External Users feature has been disabled
COMPANY_IDENTIFY_EXTERNAL_USER_ENABLEDCompany Identify External Users feature has been enabled
COMPANY_LOGO_UPDATEDCompany logo has been updated
COMPANY_NAME_UPDATEDCompany name has been updated
COMPANY_ORGANIZATION_ADDEDOrganization has been added to the Company
COMPANY_ORGANIZATION_REMOVEDOrganization has been removed from the Company
COMPANY_VERIFY_USER_DISABLEDCompany Verify Users feature has been disabled
COMPANY_VERIFY_USER_ENABLEDCompany Verify Users feature has been enabled
ORGANIZATION_LMS_ADDEDLearning management system has been associated to the Organization
ORGANIZATION_LMS_REMOVEDOrganization Learning management system has been removed

Users Management events

Action TypeDefinition
USER_ACTIVATEDUser has been activated
USER_AVATAR_UPDATEDUser avatar has been updated
USER_CREATEDUser has been created
USER_DEACTIVATEDUser has been deactivated
USER_DELETEDUser has been deleted
USER_EMAIL_CONFIRMEDUser email address has been confirmed
USER_FIRSTNAME_UPDATEDUser first name has been updated
USER_IDENTITY_VERIFIEDUser Verified by Company flag has been updated
USER_INVITATION_SENTUser has been invited
USER_LANG_UPDATEDUser language has been updated
USER_LASTNAME_UPDATEDUser last name has been updated
USER_LICENSE_UPDATEDUser license has been updated
USER_ORGANIZATION_JOINEDUser has joined an Organization
USER_ORGANIZATION_LEFTUser has left her/his Organization
USER_PASSWORD_CHANGEDUser password changed
USER_PASSWORD_RESET_EMAIL_SENTUser password reset email has been sent
USER_PHONE_UPDATEDUser phone number has been updated
USER_ROLE_UPDATEDUser role has been updated
USER_SIGNED_OUTUser has signed out
USER_SIGN_IN_FAILEDUser sign in failed
USER_SIGN_IN_SUCCEEDEDUser has signed in successfully
ACTIVITY_OWNERSHIP_TRANSFERREDActivity ownership has been transferred

Access restriction events

Action TypeDefinition
PLATFORM_ACCESS_RESTRICTEDUser access to the Platform has been blocked
ACTIVITY_ACCESS_GRANTEDAccess Filtering Configuration is unavailable. User access to the Activity has been granted
ACTIVITY_ACCESS_RESTRICTEDUser access to the Activity has been blocked
ORGANIZATION_INVITATION_ACCESS_RESTRICTEDUser access to the Organization's Invitation has been blocked
ACTIVITY_USER_BLOCKEDActivity user has been blocked
ACTIVITY_USER_UNBLOCKEDActivity user has been unblocked

Adventure events

Action TypeDefinition
ADVENTURE_ACCESSCODE_LOCKEDAdventure access has been locked
ADVENTURE_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKEDAdventure access has been unlocked
ADVENTURE_ACCESS_DENIEDAdventure access has been denied
ADVENTURE_CLOSEDAdventure has been closed
ADVENTURE_COMPLETEDAdventure has been completed
ADVENTURE_CREATEDAdventure has been created
ADVENTURE_DATA_EXPORTEDAdventure has been exported to data
ADVENTURE_DELETEDAdventure has been deleted
ADVENTURE_JOINED_AS_ANIMATORAdventure has been joined as an animator
ADVENTURE_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANTAdventure has been joined as a participant
ADVENTURE_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODEAdventure has been published by access code
ADVENTURE_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORKAdventure has been published into network
ADVENTURE_VIEWEDAdventure has been viewed
ADVENTURE_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATIONAdventure access right has been set to organization
ADVENTURE_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATEAdventure access right has been set to private
ADVENTURE_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLICAdventure access right has been set to public
ADVENTURE_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORKAdventure has been unpublished from network

Article events

Action TypeDefinition
ARTICLE_ACCESS_DENIEDArticle access has been denied
ARTICLE_DELETEDArticle has been deleted
ARTICLE_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORKArticle has been published into network
ARTICLE_VIEWEDArticle has been viewed

Board events

Action TypeDefinition
BOARD_ACCESSCODE_LOCKEDBoard access has been locked
BOARD_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKEDBoard access has been unlocked
BOARD_ACCESS_DENIEDBoard access has been denied
BOARD_CLOSEDBoard has been closed
BOARD_CREATEDBoard has been created
BOARD_DATA_EXPORTEDBoard has been exported to data
BOARD_DELETEDBoard has been deleted
BOARD_JOINED_AS_ANIMATORBoard has been joined as an animator
BOARD_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANTBoard has been joined as a participant
BOARD_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODEBoard has been published by access code
BOARD_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORKBoard has been published into a network
BOARD_VIEWEDBoard has been viewed
BOARD_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATIONBoard access right has been set to organization
BOARD_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATEBoard access right has been set to private
BOARD_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLICBoard access right has been set to public
BOARD_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORKBoard has been unpublished from network

Memo events

Action TypeDefinition
MEMO_ACCESSCODE_LOCKEDMemo access has been locked
MEMO_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKEDMemo access has been unlocked
MEMO_ACCESS_DENIEDMemo access has been denied
MEMO_CLOSEDMemo has been closed
MEMO_COMPLETEDMemo has been completed
MEMO_CREATEDMemo has been created
MEMO_DATA_EXPORTEDMemo has been exported to data
MEMO_DELETEDMemo has been deleted
MEMO_JOINED_AS_ANIMATORMemo has been joined as an animator
MEMO_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANTMemo has been joined as a participant
MEMO_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODEMemo has been published by access code
MEMO_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORKMemo has been published into a network
MEMO_VIEWEDMemo has been viewed
MEMO_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATIONMemo access right has been set to organization
MEMO_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATEMemo access right has been set to private
MEMO_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLICMemo access right has been set to public
MEMO_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORKMemo has been unpublished from network

Mission events

Action TypeDefinition
MISSION_ACCESSCODE_LOCKEDMission access has been locked
MISSION_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKEDMission access has been unlocked
MISSION_ACCESS_DENIEDMission access has been denied
MISSION_CLOSEDMission has been closed
MISSION_COMPLETEDMission has been completed
MISSION_CREATEDMission has been created
MISSION_DATA_EXPORTEDMission has been exported to data
MISSION_DELETEDMission has been deleted
MISSION_JOINED_AS_ANIMATORMission has been joined as an animator
MISSION_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANTMission has been joined as a participant
MISSION_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODEMission has been published by access code
MISSION_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORKMission has been published into a network
MISSION_VIEWEDMission has been viewed
MISSION_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATIONMission access right has been set to organization
MISSION_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATEMission access right has been set to private
MISSION_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLICMission access right has been set to public
MISSION_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORKMission has been unpublished from network

Network events

Action TypeDefinition
NETWORK_ACCESSCODE_LOCKEDNetwork access by access code has been locked
NETWORK_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKEDNetwork access by access code has been unlocked
NETWORK_ACCESS_DENIEDNetwork access has been denied
NETWORK_CREATEDNetwork has been created
NETWORK_DELETEDNetwork has been deleted
NETWORK_VIEWEDNetwork has been viewed
NETWORK_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATIONNetwork access right has been set to organization
NETWORK_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATENetwork access right has been set to private
NETWORK_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLICNetwork access right has been set to public

Question events

Action TypeDefinition
QUESTION_ACCESSCODE_LOCKEDQuestion has been locked
QUESTION_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKEDQuestion has been unlocked
QUESTION_ACCESS_DENIEDAccess to a question has been denied
QUESTION_CLOSEDQuestion has been closed
QUESTION_CREATEDQuestion has been created
QUESTION_DATA_EXPORTEDQuestion's data has been exported
QUESTION_DELETEDQuestion has been deleted
QUESTION_JOINEDQuestion has been joined

Quiz events

Action TypeDefinition
QUIZ_ACCESSCODE_LOCKEDQuiz access has been locked
QUIZ_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKEDQuiz access has been unlocked
QUIZ_ACCESS_DENIEDQuiz access has been denied
QUIZ_CLOSEDQuiz has been closed
QUIZ_COMPLETEDQuiz has been completed
QUIZ_CREATEDQuiz has been created
QUIZ_DATA_EXPORTEDQuiz has been exported to data
QUIZ_DELETEDQuiz has been deleted
QUIZ_JOINED_AS_ANIMATORQuiz has been joined as an animator
QUIZ_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANTQuiz has been joined as a participant
QUIZ_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODEQuiz has been published by access code
QUIZ_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORKQuiz has been published into a network
QUIZ_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORKQuiz has been unpublished from network
QUIZ_VIEWEDQuiz has been viewed
QUIZ_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATIONQuiz access right has been set to organization
QUIZ_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATEQuiz access right has been set to private
QUIZ_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLICQuiz access right has been set to public

Session events

Action TypeDefinition
SESSION_ACCESSCODE_LOCKEDSession access has been locked
SESSION_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKEDSession access has been unlocked
SESSION_ACCESS_DENIEDSession access has been denied
SESSION_CLOSEDSession has been closed
SESSION_CREATEDSession has been created
SESSION_DATA_EXPORTEDSession has been exported to data
SESSION_DELETEDSession has been deleted
SESSION_JOINED_AS_ANIMATORSession has been joined as an animator
SESSION_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANTSession has been joined as a participant
SESSION_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODESession has been published by access code
SESSION_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORKSession has been published into a network
SESSION_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORKSession has been unpublished from network
SESSION_VIEWEDSession has been viewed
SESSION_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATIONSession access right has been set to organization
SESSION_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATESession access right has been set to private
SESSION_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLICSession access right has been set to public

Survey events

Action TypeDefinition
SURVEY_ACCESSCODE_LOCKEDSurvey access has been locked
SURVEY_ACCESSCODE_UNLOCKEDSurvey access has been unlocked
SURVEY_ACCESS_DENIEDSurvey access has been denied
SURVEY_CLOSEDSurvey has been closed
SURVEY_COMPLETEDSurvey has been completed
SURVEY_CREATEDSurvey has been created
SURVEY_DATA_EXPORTEDSurvey has been exported to data
SURVEY_DELETEDSurvey has been deleted
SURVEY_JOINED_AS_ANIMATORSurvey has been joined as an animator
SURVEY_JOINED_AS_PARTICIPANTSurvey has been joined as a participant
SURVEY_PUBLISHED_BYACCESSCODESurvey has been published by access code
SURVEY_PUBLISHED_INTO_NETWORKSurvey has been published into a network
SURVEY_UNPUBLISHED_FROM_NETWORKSurvey has been unpublished from network
SURVEY_VIEWEDSurvey has been viewed
SURVEY_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_ORGANIZATIONSurvey access right has been set to organization
SURVEY_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PRIVATESurvey access right has been set to private
SURVEY_ACCESSRIGHT_SET_PUBLICSurvey access right has been set to public