OAuth 2.0 scopes provide a way to limit the amount of access that is granted to an access token. When an app requests permission to access a resource through Klaxoon authorization server, it uses the scope parameter to specify what access it needs.

Available scopes

identity:readView profile informations of the authenticated user (email, first name, last name)
auditlog:readRead Audit Logs for an organization.
Note : The authenticated user authorizing your application must have a Company Admin role within the organization for full access to the Company Audit Logs
board:readRead Boards and Board content of a Klaxoon user.
board:writeCreate and modify Boards and Board content of a Klaxoon user.
quiz:readGet the list of Quizzes of a Klaxoon user and informations on Quiz participants and results
survey:readGet the list of Surveys of a Klaxoon user and informations on Survey participants and results
memo:readGet the list of Memos of a Klaxoon user and informations on Memo participants and results
adventure:readGet the list of Adventures of a Klaxoon user and informations on Adventure participants and results
mission:readGet the list of Missions of a Klaxoon user and informations on Mission participants and results
session:readGet the list of Sessions of a Klaxoon user and informations on Session participants and results